For my model, the basic groundplan and horizontal dimensions of the temple are taken from the plan given in "World Architecture" (Fig.99 p44) Vertical dimensions are based on a cutaway drawing after Furtwängler & Fiechter printed in "Ancient Greeks" Zofia Archibald - Quantum Books 1991 and a photograph in "A History of Western Architecture" David Watkins - Laurence King Publishing 1986 (Fig 12 p20)
The model is a re-creation using three.js of an earlier version in VRML2, built in 1999. To rotate the model, hold the left mouse button (or finger on a tablet) on the model and and move to the left or right. In my current representation, the roof is a loose guess until such time as my competence in modelling and my knowledge of the subject improves. According to the Grolier Encyclopædia, the structure above the columns was a tiled roof supported on timber. The outside was concealed beneath terracotta panels.