For stumblers who don't know me, I am just an ordinary bloke, retired, well past my allotted three-score years and ten, living in a small detached bungalow in north-west Kent, England. I live there with one son (the other two live away from home), a grand piano, several computers of different types, about two thousand books, several guitars and other instruments and - an awful lot of junk. Sadly, my wife Helen died in March 2008; we had been married for thirty-eight years.
With a B.Sc. in Physics from Queen Mary College, London and an M.Sc. in Solid State Physics, I was on the academic staff for 41 years in the University of Greenwich (formerly Woolwich Polytechnic and Thames Polytechnic). In the School of Materials Science and Physics, I taught physics, elementary astronomy and elementary mathematics. During my last seven years I taught software engineering (including computer graphics), in the School of Computing and Mathematics.
At different times, I have taken an interest in a wide range things: the fine arts, archaeology, history, classical music, opera, ballet, judo, aikido, flamenco and spanish guitar, choral and folk singing, chess, bookbinding, carpentry, Go, dinghy-sailing, ski-ing, canoeing, scouting, .22 rifle-shooting, walking, photography, bird-watching, competitive swimming and water-polo, various foreign languages, cooking, English Country-, American Square-, Scottish- and Ballroom-dancing, computer programming and graphics. From this large collection it may be correctly deduced that I was never very good at any of them.
One of my interests, well known to my friends, was Morris Dancing, and, when I grew older, playing concertina for the Morris. I have now retired from this also but I provide a link to the Wadard Morris Men site that I set up and maintained for several years. It is now much changed and maintained by another member of the group. This, in turn, contains links to some particular Morris sites and the rest of the Morris world, as represented on the Internet.
Since I retired from teaching, another interest has been in VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) and it is this which originally encouraged me to set up this site, since friends had asked to see my efforts in the genre. These efforts have lapsed in recent years but more recently (2017 and 2019) I have returned to this site and updated the presentation of my original models. I have also turned to an alternative modelling tool: three.js